Successful IT implementation starts by developing a long-term IT investment plan, recognizing that technology is an ongoing process rather than a one-time investment. It always starts by developing a plan.
In order to develop a long-term plan, companies must consider several pieces to the puzzle in order to create a solid long-term IT investment plan.
1) Technology: What technology are you using and why?
a. Start with the basics: Why do you need technology?
b. What problem are you trying to solve?
c. How can technology help solve the problem?
d. Is the technology scalable?
e. Does it work with your business processes?
f. Does it integrate with what you already use?
g. What is the ROI (return on investment)?
2) People: How do people fit into this IT investment equation?
a. What roles and responsibilities will people have?
b. How will you train them to use the technology?
c. How will you identify if they need to continue to adjust in the future?
3) Process: How will the technology ultimately fit into your business?
a. Who will use the technology and when?
b. Can they use it in the office, at the jobsite, or even at home?
c. What security considerations are there?
d. Have you created a process document to create flow and answer any questions?
Consider the answers to each of these questions carefully, and you will be well on your way to developing a successful IT implementation that starts by developing a long-term IT investment plan.