10 Tips for Picking Technology for Your Company
It is time to implement new software, but where do you start?
Consider the 10 steps you should take when evaluating software for your company. This checklist might seem extremely basic. But it’s sometimes in simplicity that we forget the basic steps. It never hurts to have a quick checklist. No one wants to have to run back to the grocery store because you forgot the bread to complete Shaggy Super Sandwich. All too often these basic steps are overlooked. So, now that we remember we need an OS (operating system) software before we can do anything, the rest of the tips will seem like a piece of cake.
Keep in mind, software and hardware are like fine wine and cheese. If you pair them poorly, well, just ask soon to be Sommelier, Rob Tiffany. So, software should be selected first, since it may just influence the hardware, you need to run your company effectively. If you buy your hardware first, you could be limiting your flexibility in adopting a software solution that meets your overall goals and needs. Typical ying and yang, right?
Tip #1: Determine your company's overall needs and wants for everyone. And I mean all departments, all divisions. It is only at that point when you can truly decide if your software and the worker skillsets are up to the task of the job one year, two years, or five years from now. While technology changes quickly, consider the software you are implementing and consider new roles will emerge that require a different skillset than the ones that are currently in place—ones that AI (artificial intelligence) and ChatGPT might replace. As much as we hate to admit it, this could include data analysis and programming, as well as the ability to focus on more complex tasks and strategic decisionmaking. In time, perhaps, new roles will emerge. Will you need to replace and are you the person that can step up and perform the new tasks? Can you learn and be trained in these new roles?
Tip #2: This might be a roll of the dice right now, but determine usage needs, the number of users, and their skillsets. Also, at a jobsite, who will use this software really? Sometimes software seems more exciting. Are we just saying there’s an app for that, or do we need to work in a jobsite trailer to input the data? Data is essential, but when and how can the data be input and retrieved, and by whom?
Tip #3: Look for “open” database solutions vs. proprietary. All too often data in is not data out. Open solutions work seamlessly with applications mySQL or SQL Server, for your estimating or project-management software, while proprietary solutions may require special programming to do so. Ask yourself if the headaches for proprietary software are worth the hassle. And for those who want the cloud there is always AWS and Azure SQL.
Tip #4: Align all those exciting features and benefits of the application software with what you are trying to accomplish. For instance, there are a lot of bells and whistles on our cool smartphones, but do we really use them all? Remember, it’s a fact, no software system will provide 100% of everything you want, so pick your battles and prioritize your needs and wants to assure you are achieving the task at hand and getting the most vital functions.
Tip #5: Overcoming data integration is not an option, but necessary. Achieving seamless data integration requires meticulous planning, research, investing in the right tools, and ensuring the team has the right skillset to optimize decisionmaking and operational efficiency and consistency. Simply, data integration can lead to inaccurate information and survival, which reminds me of playing Battle Royale or Minecraft, which simply stated means we won’t survive. Critical data flows smoother through the appropriate functions in the software. This ensures data accuracy and consistency, and it protects the integrity of project information. It also avoids the rekeying or inputting of data, reducing costs, saving time, and money,
Tip #6: Software support from your application software vendor or ISV (independent software vendor) is critical. Nothing in life is free; therefore, beware of vendors that offer unlimited free support and implementation training. Caveat emptor, software typically has a few twists and turns that quickly go from free to adding costs in the form of you cannot modify it, pass it on, and the list goes on.
Tip #7: Services. Have you considered what professional services your software partners is offering? Is training onsíte, virtual, classroom training, software customization, compatible hardware, user groups, customer conferences? These are options that should be available from a reputable software vendor. Also, have you factored in how many courses are given for free and what will be charged for your annual development of new workers? It all adds up quickly, each time the company has an update as well.
Tip #8: Software enhancements and updates: What do you get? How often do you get them? Is it included in your software maintenance annual fee? Or do you have to pay for each of them? Did you even consider asking?
Tip #9: Do your due diligence. Consider multiple vendors and stake their options and services against each other. What they say and do matters. You need to look at everything. Even the best of the best tells a tale or two. Make sure you get what you want. Get it in writing.
Tip 10: Evaluate cost of ownership, which includes not only the software cost, but also the costs to maintain and update the software over time and train the existing team and new hires each time on the software. It all matters. Take the time to do the research up front. You’ll be the hero later with stakeholders.